Monday, September 19, 2011

Good morning Depression.

Fencing is fun.
College is fun.
I'm putting off working on my thesis.
After getting out of my American History class, I wondered: why was everyone just so unhappy?
I'm learning about the history, post-Civil War. And the working class is pissed off, the Victorian class is questioning itself, the economic depression is happening... everything is just so dark, and gloomy.
It's depressing learning about it second thing in the morning.
But what I also realized is that it has a lot of parallels with the Indian war for Independence. Just, India had it on a grander scale.
Britain really messed up its' colonies.

Friday, August 19, 2011


It's August. I'm in Fashion college. I have fulfilled my long time dream of having a gay shopping buddy who wears over the top clothes. I be happy. :D
I just bunked Geometry lecture.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Except for April, every month has had a post this year.
So, here's a post for July.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


You'd think, with 13 authors. This blog must be a really successful one. But NO.
13 is a really unlucky number after all.

On a completely unrelated note. I grew a goatee. :D

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Writing about Not Writing

Let me be honest with you. I haven't written anything in a long time. I mean a really, really long time. Which kinda sucks since I have a lot to write about. But now, cause I haven't written in a really really long time, I dont know how to write about the stuff I wanted to write about.

As I'm in a sudden mood to ramble about me not writing, let me give you my excuses.

Excuse #1 I had Board Exams. It's a big deal. And the writer within me curled up into a ball and hibernated for the whole exam season.

Excuse #2 After Boards, I was partying in that obsessive-compulsive way students seem to party after big exams.

Excuse #3 The writer within me seemed to have woken up, however after weeks of obsessive-compulsive partying, my body craved sleep. So I slept.. and slept.. and slept.

Excuse #4 I found a new hobby. Baking. Yes, I bake. So the writer in me had to share space with the moody baker in me. I doubt either of them liked that very much.

After a long time of not writing anything, I have finally written something.

Now I am bored.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Answer these.

1. What are the top 3 qualities you look for in a friend?
2. What is your favourite sound?
3. What is the number one thing you need to change about yourself in the next 12 months?
4. What was the most defining moment of your life this past year?
5. In one sentence, describe your relationship with your mother.
6. What is something new you recently learnt about yourself?
7. What makes you feel secure?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Universal Law of Swagger (As stated by the Omniscient Omnipotent Overlord of the Universe (also known as ooo...))

1. Its cool to use a line made by a fellow man if it is used on him. It wud be like a sign of respect for his originality or interesting...ness

2. Its NOT cool to acquire the said persons style in general. (subtle touches..u know what i mean)

3. Its cool to quote the said persons line as long as it has already reached a certain amount of legendary. This variable degree shall be defined in years to come. And of course, the Overlord shall be doing the defining. (In such cases the line would serve as a form of reverence for the original creator and everybody wud already know it is not yours to take.)
4. Its NOT cool to quote the said persons line if he has specifically indicated his disapproval of such a practice for that particular line.

5. It is cool to quote, use said persons style etc etc.. If One has been taken under his tutelage and is considered to be his apprentice.

All in favor say AIEE!
(all not in favor shall burn)

thank you.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Nothing at all

An angry wind stirred up ghostly dust devils, dark bellied clouds scudded across the desert sky veiling the stars in casket grey.
I would have loved to start my blog like that but the problem is you got to think a lot for that, and well i'm the lazy kind. I just gave myself away, i copied that from that Tutankhamen lesson. Whatever man its still sounds really cool.
So I was banging my head on this really cool white wall that is located near my door looking for a topic to write about on my blog because you know i haven't written for a long time and i like writing, it helps relieve all the pressure on me : now don't give me that look you have no clue what ugly problems i face during the course of the day, I'll explain some other time, I know you guys missed me it's okay i understand but well a guys gotta do what a guys gotta do, now don'task me what that is, writers use it often so i thought well i should use it too, anyway as i was saying I was thinking and i didn't come upon any topic so i decided to write about : Nothing . (Wow that's one long sentence).
Yay i succeeded, the first writer in like ever to write a paragraph or two on 'Nothing', Yeah i know your impressed I can teach you how I do it. I take tutions anytime, anywhere just give me a call before you come cos well we both don't want you to see me wearing nothing dancing to the ketchup song (I'm kidding I don't do that, scouts honor)
So long suckers..


So we have farewell preparations going on in my school. And everythings going smoothly. And BAM. The principal returns from where ever he'd gone and says the farewell date has been preponed by 5days.

We are 4days away from it and we have so much work to do. Including - Ordering food, Making those gifts, Invitations, Performances, Eating dinner, lunch, breakfast. We are DOOOMED.

Sometimes I wonder if the world is conspiring against me. Actually Im certain of it now.


You keep telling yourself what you know. But what do you believe? What do you feel?
I feel just one emotion these days, Guilt.
I can't explain it, but it's there. Guilty over what you ask ? I don't know.
I feel there is something I'm missing out on, something I did but shouldn't have. What that thing is I don't know. I know it is guilt.
All I want to do now, is understand.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Two words for you

For all those of you, who bothered to write. Well done !
For those of you havn't yet. Well, you done ?

Yes I know it's late. Dont be a spoilsport, wish me too.