1. Its cool to use a line made by a fellow man if it is used on him. It wud be like a sign of respect for his originality or interesting...ness
2. Its NOT cool to acquire the said persons style in general. (subtle touches..u know what i mean)
3. Its cool to quote the said persons line as long as it has already reached a certain amount of legendary. This variable degree shall be defined in years to come. And of course, the Overlord shall be doing the defining. (In such cases the line would serve as a form of reverence for the original creator and everybody wud already know it is not yours to take.)
5. It is cool to quote, use said persons style etc etc.. If One has been taken under his tutelage and is considered to be his apprentice.
All in favor say AIEE!
(all not in favor shall burn)
thank you.