*This post is not for the stupid. You have been warned.
The other day I experienced déjà vu, I found it to be very awkward. Almost certain Iv been through that situation before. It got me thinking- Whats the reason behind déjà vu ?
So even before I wikied it, this insane theory just popped up in my head.
What if life is a loop. Like death just takes you back to the beginning of your life, and you relive your entire life again. And again. And again. And at some point you feel, Iv been through this before. Okay I know its sounds weird. But it could be true.
This other theory I read about says one eye, say the left eye, captures a image faster then your right eye. So a little later when your right eye sees it you feel you've already seen it. I know. This one is logical.
After reading that one I realised déjà vu is boring. I gave up(déjà vu moment). I did think about my poor readers.
But then again who cares ?
Maybe.But acc to the second theory,a one eyedman should never be able to have a Deja vu.
haha gr8 one,abrar...